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Automated Machinery and Automated Robotics to Streamline Production

As a leading innovator in the hydraulic press industry, French has remained focused on moving the industry forward with cutting edge technology for over 100 years. This mission is derived from the basic concept of translating technological advancements into a product or enhancement that creates value for our customers. Recently, we have been on the forefront of utilizing automated robotics to help customers increase their production rates.

Automated Robotics Makes Production Faster, Easier and More Affordable

With automated machinery from French, customers can utilize robots to complete tasks or processes more efficiently. Our robotic technology is designed to work alongside an employee to make their jobs safer and easier. This cutting-edge technology helps employees complete tasks that may be difficult or dangerous without a robotic helping hand. By introducing this automated machinery into their operations, customers save money by utilizing automated robotics to boost productivity in various applications.

“We have seen an overall trend of clients interested in automated robotics,” said Tayte Lutz, French’s Director of Marketing. “Typically, they are either looking for a custom press with a built-in robot, or a press that has the ability to easily tie in robotics down the road. The process usually begins when the customer has encountered a bottleneck in production. So, a robot would serve as a helpful tool to streamline operations as a production enhancement.”

Automated Machinery can Simplify Various Operations

Due to the increasing advancements in automated machinery, less technical expertise is required to program and operate robots. The capabilities of automated robotics have also increased, so robots can be easily reprogrammed and adjusted for a wide array of applications. Customers can program simple operations themselves, but complicated procedures that include difficult movements and maneuvers may require more intricate programming. However, even this has become easier in recent years. Customers quickly realize the valuable ROI they get by utilizing automated robotics to streamline processes.

Consider Automating Your Operation

Automated machinery can pay major dividends for your operation, whether large or small. It can address a variety of production issues, including:

  • Hazardous or monotonous tasks
  • Production blocks or bottlenecks due to manual processes
  • Materials that are too heavy or difficult for an employee to handle

Easily solve these production challenges with automated robotics. And with recent technological advancements, it is becoming easier than ever to program and afford these technologies. So, now is the time to consider taking advantage of this technology. To learn more, contact our team today!

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